


The scripting module was written in a way that makes it as flexible and as accessible as possible for all modules that might need it. First of all, “Game World” systems were created to allow the running of per-frame update functions that could be written in scripts. This meant that systems will only need to run for entities that have those script functions without needing to iterate over all entities to check.

To make extending this functionality substantially simpler, a lot of preprocessor macros were added to that file so that adding a new system for a new script function is just a matter of adding an extra line to the file and it should handle everything else. For example, adding an on_fixedupdate function to the scripting module is as simple as changing this:

  SCRIPT_OP(on_init)                \

to this:

  SCRIPT_OP(on_init)                \
  SCRIPT_OP(on_update)              \

However, after a few runs, it was noticeable that having the scripts be run in a system meant that it had a few limitations when it came to editing, removing or adding new entities into the scene. Since the ECS world uses the archetype approach for the storage of components, the addition and removal of components to an entity means that this entity will belong to another archetype and thus needs to be moved to another table. Because of that, the addition of removal of components to entities is prohibited in the phase where systems are ran as these additions might change the tables on which the system is iterating. That’s why we came up with the concept of a task.

A task is a lot like a system, it takes a component signature, matches with all entities that fulfill that signature and iterates over all of them. The main difference, though, is that a task is not run in the system phase of the ECS world; tasks are run when the ECS is in an idle state and thus is open to big changes in its tables. This allowed us to have more world-changing operations that can run in the scripts, like the loading of prefabs.

Then, lots of functions were exposed from the scripting module to allow the addition of script components to a “Game World” entity without needing to get into much detail from other modules. This way, a script can be added to an entity as follows:

ScriptHandle playerScript = Script->new("PlayerScript", loadedScript);
Script->addToEntity(player, playerScript);

Then came the problem of exposing C structs and functions in a not-too-verbose way and making this operation happen per module at runtime. Luckily, we found orangeduck’s LuaAutoC which did just that; it allowed the quick and automatic exposure of functions and structs from C to Lua with minimum friction. Unfortunately, to make the API less verbose, most of the library’s API was preprocessor-based and wouldn’t work across DLL boundaries. To fix that, we made a fork in which we made major API changes to allow this functionality to work using only functions and thus be able to use from all the modules. This was then exposed through the ScriptInterface namespace which is in the scripting module. This namespace’s main purpose was to allow modules to register whatever they want to expose to modules, like: types, functions, structs, ..etc. The ScriptInterface consisted of the following operations:

addTypeCreates a Lua type from a given type name and a given type size
getTypeGet the identifier of a type using a given name
addFunctionExpose a function to Lua using its name, its reference, and a list of the arguments that it expects
addStructExpose a struct to Lua using its typename, its size, and a list of its parameters’ names and their types
loadAPITakes a file path that points to a Lua file that contains the description of the API that the module wants to expose. (This gives modules the ability to tweak their scripting APIs freely without needing the Scripting Module to intervene.)

While the loadAPI(..) function might seem redundant, it was added for a very specific reason. The addFunction(..) function does indeed expose module functions, but in its own way. For example, exposing a function by doing this:

GameObject ev_sceneloader_loadprefab(string path);
ScriptInterface->addFunction(ev_sceneloader_loadprefab, "ev_sceneloader_loadprefab", gameObjType, 1, (ScriptType[]){stringType});

will expose it to Lua in a way that makes it callable by doing the following:

prefab = C('ev_sceneloader_loadprefab', path)

That grows inconvenient quite fast, however, by having an API-defining Lua file, the Lua file can contain something like:

function loadPrefab(path)
  return C('ev_sceneloader_loadprefab', path)

and the previous line can be written as:

prefab = loadPrefab(path)

After all of that was done, it was time for the module to move on from being a singleton and start to become more instantiate-able. This is where a script context comes into play. A script context is a type that we defined that contained some info about itself and the Lua VM that it contains. The fact that each context had its own VM had solid reasons; the most important one is that Lua has everything as global by default. That meant that name collisions were a lot more probable and that objects would be able to access other objects from other scenes; that’s why each context had its own VM.

However, having every context have its own VM means that types and functions will need to be registered for each of these contexts separately. So we decided to add script context creation callback functions, functions that are called and passed the context whenever a new context is created. This allows modules that want to register their own types to just create that callback and pass it to the scripting module so that it can store it. Then, whenever a new context is created, the scripting module calls all the callback functions that it has stored from different modules and thus rebuilds the API for that context.

One last thing that remained was to make the debugging of scripts a bit more systematic. That’s why we integrated luadbg into the scripting module. luadbg helped us by making a debugger kick in whenever occurs in a script (or whenever we call a function that signals the debugger) so that we can inspect the state of the Lua VM at that specific point in time.

Script Debugging Diagram

Figure 1: luadbg in action