
Robear Selwans

Never too late for a subtitle

CPU RayTracer

Introduction After finishing my first raytracer, it was obvious that I needed to make another one if I wanted to learn more about the topic. However, since I wasn’t confident enough to step out of the tutorial territory, I decided that I would use Peter Shirley’s RTOW series. One of the major advantages of this series is that while it is introducing the concepts in a gentle manner, it is also giving advice on how to structure the project so that adding more features in the future doesn’t end up being a huge task with tons of refactors.


Introduction For the “Computer Graphics” course, it was announced from the beginning of the course that the final project will be a scene rendered using OpenGL or WebGL. However, for someone like me who’s been introduced to what graphics programming is (with no actual experience), I thought it would be way cooler to build my own offline renderer. The only reason I was confident enough to ask the professor if I could make this project instead is because of ssloy’s tiny-renderer tutorial series.


In an effort to learn about ray tracing, I decided to follow ssloy’s tinyraytracer tutorial which is, in my opinion, a very gentle introduction into the world of raytracing. Despite the tutorial using C++, I decided to use Rust for no reason except that I hadn’t written any Rust code in a while and felt a bit rusty (pun intended). Another thing that I did differently from the tutorial is that I rendered to an SDL window instead of rendering to an image.


It started with me finding out that RDJ2019 (Game showcase event) was around the corner and deciding that I wanted to submit an entry for a game that I’d like to play. So I started thinking about a game idea until I remembered this clip. I liked the idea of a ninja jumping on missiles while simultaneously destroying them, and that’s what I decided to make. So the idea was as follows: you’re a ninja in a peaceful village, an army is attacking the village to get rid of its residents and control its resources, you start attacking the missiles that are shot at the village to make sure that none of them reach their target.